Random Acts of Green is Scaring Away Climate Anxiety With HalloGreen Challenge

Random Acts of Green is inviting the public to make lifestyle ‘s-witches’ and scare away climate change with their HalloGreen Challenge.

Photo courtesy of Random Acts of Green.

The HalloGreen Challenge is designed to help educate the public on different things they can do during the month of October to lessen their individual impact on the environment.

Participants take a pledge, then are challenged to escape the ‘Wicked Green Witch’s Lair’ by completing 15 challenges.

The challenges range in difficulty, from buying fruits and vegetables without plastic to writing a letter about the environment to a politician.

Photo courtesy of Random Acts of Green.

“Kids lead the challenge sometimes, but we have lots of adults and even businesses that want to participate to show their support,” said Jessica Correa, CEO Random Acts of Green.

This year marks the sixth year of the HalloGreen Challenge.

“It’s arguably our most popular challenge of the year,” said Correa. “Everyone has Earth Month which is very popular, but throughout the rest of the year people start forgetting about the planet and HalloGreen brings it back into the forefront.”

Since it’s inauguration in Peterborough, the HalloGreen Challenge has spread to places like Quebec and even Mexico. This year the challenge was translated to French and Spanish.

“These actions are meant to inspire people to start with one thing and then have that one thing spill off into multiple other things that they could be doing to help the environment.”

Random Acts of Green is a social enterprise, that began in Peterborough, with a vision to build a glocal (global + local) climate action community where everyone is empowered to take action together and promote environmental sustainability.

To take the pledge and participate in the HalloGreen Challenge click here.

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