PTBOCanada Featured Post: 'Do I Need $1 Million To Retire?' Matthews + Associates Helps You Set Retirement Goals

Matthews + Associates helps their clients to set clear goals for their retirement, then works with them to achieve those goals for a stress-free retirement.

A recent article from Benefits Canada mentions a report from AON suggesting that the average 45-year-old will need 1.4 million dollars in retirement savings by age 65 if they want to retire comfortably.

At Matthews + Associates we know that that is an intimidating number, but it doesn’t have to be.

The first step on the journey is to start by determining your retirement goals. Once you know what you’re working towards, whether that’s 1.4 million or another number, we can begin to work backward to chart out a plan to accomplish your goals.

In Episode 20 ‘Do I Need $1 Million To Retire?’ of our podcast ‘Your Retirement Plan Simplified’, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or by RSS, Joe shares how to maximize your savings rate to ensure you are saving as much as possible for retirement and the importance of speaking to a professional financial advisor if you are uncertain about anything.

This episode covers the importance of looking into your employers contributions, maximizing your savings rates, paying yourself first and so much more.

Here are our top 6 tips for reaching your retirement saving goals:

1. Pay yourself first. Figure out what you need to contribute to your goals. What you want to save for retirement should come out of your bank account every month as soon as you get your paycheque and before you have the chance to spend it.

2. Yearly Raise: Take advantage of any raises. For example, take half of your raise and put it towards your investments for your future retirement. You can live off the other half to increase your lifestyle, or make sure your current lifestyle’s keeping up with inflation.

3. The B-word…Budgeting! We live in an age of easily forgettable apps and subscriptions. If you go back through your expenses, you may be surprised to see what you’re spending money on but not seeing any value from. Once you’ve located these areas, divert the money you’ve been spending on them to weekly or monthly savings.

4. The Empty Nest: This is for those who are closer to retirement. Perhaps your children have left home freeing up some cash flow and you can shift it towards your retirement savings. This can be the time to make that final push towards retirement.

5. Free Money: As an employee, you may have access to a defined contribution pension or a group RSP plan at work where your employer will match a % of your contributions. For example, they may match 100% of your contribution up to 5% of your income. Depending on the company you work for, if they’re a publicly traded company, there may also be some stock options where you can buy company stock at a discount and the discount equates to, basically, free money.

6. Investing in Yourself: For business owners starting out, most of your money will go towards trying to grow your business but as you approach retirement it becomes important to divert risk from your business to a more diversified and lower-risk portfolio. This will help ensure a successful retirement even if you don’t get the full value from the sale of your business

1.4 million may seem like a far-off or near-impossible destination, but don’t let that scare you!

With careful planning when it comes to retirement, it is possible. Keep in mind planning for retirement is both about the journey with a firm eye on the destination. Matthews + Associates strive to offer solutions that will lead to a simple, stress free retirement that can be enjoyed.

Matthews + Associates explore the topic in greater depth on our podcast “Your Retirement Planning Simplified” and in our blog article “Do I Need $1 Million Dollars to Retire?

In our podcast '“Your Retirement Planning Simplified”, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or by RSS, we answer those burning questions about retirement. We help you learn how to optimize your investments, reduce your retirement risks, lower taxes and build true wealth, in an easy and accessible way.

To learn more about Matthews + Associates, find them online:

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