Peterborough Public Library Invites Community To Vote On Next One Book, One Ptbo Title

The Peterborough Public Library is inviting the community to help select the 2024 One Book, One Ptbo Community Reads title by voting for one of three finalists.

Photo by Keegan Beekers.

The finalists are as follows:

Earlier in the year, the Library asked community members to recommend titles they thought would be good choices for this year's selection.

“We had an overwhelming number of responses,” said Karen Bisschop, community development librarian. “It was hard to select only three titles to include in our shortlist.”

Through One Book One Ptbo, the Library hopes to unify the Ptbo community through the shared experience of reading the same book according to a press release. The Library runs programs and events inspired by the themes in the narrative, culminating in an evening with the author.

“Our Community Reads program does just that, it builds community,” said Bisschop. “It comes with surprises: last year's book ended up appealing to teenagers, a whole different generation. You never know which groups you will engage across your community.”

The inaugural 2023 One Book, One Ptbo saw 630 checkouts of Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice. Over 260 people attended the final event, prompting the Library to move the event offsite to Market Hall. 

Voting is open online and in person at the Library until April 23.

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