Peterborough Public Health Seeking Help For COVID-19 Mass Immunization Clinics

Peterborough Public Health (PPH) is looking for healthcare workers, volunteers and administrative support to aid in the COVID-19 vaccine mass immunization clinics as soon as possible.

File Photo.

The call came from Dr. Thomas Piggott, PPH medical officer of health and CEO in a tweet on Tuesday.

“We are looking to dramatically increase our vaccination efforts in the face of Omnicron at Peterborough Public Health and we need your help,” he tweeted.

Online forms are available for anyone who wish to sign up for healthcare workers, volunteers and administrative support.

Volunteer roles include:

  • Greeter/Screener - welcomes clients, confirms clients have an appointment, screening for COVID-19 related symptoms

  • Client Flow Monitor - ensures clients are physically distanced, directing clients to vaccination chairs

  • Runner - carefully transporting containers of pre-filled vaccine syringes from pre-loading area to the vaccination cart

  • Post Vaccine Monitor - observes clients after they receive their immunization for five minutes, wave/flag to notify Client Flow Monitors that you have an available chair in your row

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