Peterborough Police Seeking Two Theft Suspects Involved In Pickpocketing At Lansdowne Place Parking Lot
/The Peterborough Police Service are seeking two suspects involved in a pickpocketing incident at the Lansdowne Place Mall parking lot that occurred Monday.
Photo by David Tuan Bui.
At roughly 1 p.m., a 75-year-old resident reported that he had been running errands when a man and a woman in the north parking lot at Lansdowne Place Mall near Lansdowne Street and Monaghan Road approached him.
The woman said he had something on his coat and started trying to clean him off when the man approached and started helping her despite the victim declining their help. When they left him, he noticed his wallet was missing and about $4,000 had been taken through his cards before they could be cancelled.
The suspects were described to police as:
Suspect #1
White, female
150 lbs.
Wearing a dark hat and dark coat, medical mask on her face and what sounded like an Eastern European accent
Suspect #2
White, male
180 lbs.
Wearing a grey coat with a multi-coloured scarf, wearing a medical mask and also had what sounded like an Eastern European accent