Peterborough Parks and Trails Closed From Windstorm Until Further Notice
/All City of Peterborough parks and trails are closed until condition assessments can be done from fallen trees from the Saturday windstorm announced Thursday.
There have been almost 12,100 requests for service through the City of Peterborough Public Works since the storm on Saturday. Photo courtesy of the City of Peterborough.
The following parks/fields are open for usage and permitted activities:
Baseball diamonds – Bowers Park, Brinton Carpet, Bonnerworth North and South, Fairbairn/Poplar, Kinsmen, Milroy, Northland, Stacey Green and Turner
Sports fields – Eastgate Hogan, Eastgate Mark Forrester, Milroy and Kinsmen
Bonnerworth skatepark
Simcoe and Bethune basketball courts