Peterborough Lakers Fall In Close Game to Six Nations Chiefs In 13-10 Loss, Series Tied at Two

The Peterborough Lakers made it a game with the defending-champion SIx Nations Chiefs but eventually fell 13-10 in Game Four of the MSL finals at the Peterborough Memorial Centre (PMC) on Thursday.

Photo courtesy of David Pickering and the Peterborough Lakers.

The teams traded five goals apiece in the first period. Joe Resetarits had Peterborough’s first two goals while Jake Withers, Thomas Hoggarth and Colton Armstrong got on the scoresheet.

Adam Thistlethwaite opened the scoring for Peterborough in the second period to give them the lead, 6-5. It was short-lived as Six Nations went on a four-goal run to pull away from Peterborough. The Lakers got one on the power play with 34 seconds left as Resetarits got a hat trick to cap off the period, 9-7.

Six Nations extended their lead in the third with two goals to open the frame. The teams alternated between scores including Resetarits’s fourth goal of the game while Owen Hiltz and Taite Cattoni each found the back of the net. The Lakers could not outscore the Chiefs in the third and wind up seeing the series evened at 2-2 with the 13-10 loss.

“We played a good 50 minutes of lacrosse but they’re such a talented team that in that 10 minutes we got lackadaisical, they made us pay,” said Jake Withers, Lakers defender. “That was the difference down the stretch. We play every game to win so we were hoping for a sweep but anyone who has any sense of logic would probably tell you that wasn’t going to happen.”

Game Five will be back at the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena on Sunday, and Game Six will be back at the PMC on Tuesday.

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