Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area Elects Board of Management Representatives.

The Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) has elected twelve representatives to the Board of Management after their annual general meeting at Showplace last Wednesday.

DBIA members elected:

  • Gregorious Erico - Lett Architects

  • Jason Wilkins - Wilkins Art and Creative

  • Joe Reese - Peterborough and the Kawarthas Tourism

  • Laura Montague - Ashburnham Realty

  • Madeleine Hurrell - Peterborough and the Kawarthas Economic Development

  • Mark Million - The Capitol Ptbo

  • Michael Cherney - Cherney Properties

  • Neil Hannam - V Formation

  • Nigel Lister - Pioneer Inc.

  • Paul Hurley - Engage Engineering

  • Sacha Lai-Svirk - Outpost 379

  • Tiffany Arcari - Peterborough and the Kawarthas Chamber of Commerce

“We are thrilled to have some new perspectives at the board level representing our downtown,” said Terry Guiel, DBIA executive director. “It’s encouraging to see so many dedicated and generous people wanting to volunteer their time to help build a more vibrant central business district for everyone.”

The new board is composed of three previous board members and nine newcomers. Returning members include Michael Cherney, Laura Montague and Sacha Lai-Svirk.

With the approval of City council, the twelve newly elected board members will begin their four-year terms in December of 2022. The thirteenth member of the board will be a representative of City Council, a position currently held by Councillor Kemi Akapo.

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