Peterborough County Launches Healthcare Needs Assessment Form to Help Bring Physicians to Area

Peterborough County has launched its new Healthcare Needs Assessment form to gather crucial insights directly from the residents to gather insight regarding the strategic plan for the future of healthcare in the region.

Photo courtesy of Peterborough County.

The form provides feedback on all health and human services and facilitates the development of comprehensive healthcare solutions closer to home. It also allows residents to register their need for a primary care provider and will act as the official list for residents without a family practitioner according to the County.

“We recognize the challenges faced by many in our community, including the difficulty in accessing primary care and the burden of long-distance travel for healthcare services. Through this initiative, we aim to streamline the process, eliminating the frustration of wait lists and offering a Peterborough County centralized database for physicians seeking new patients or considering relocation to our vibrant region. This will eliminate the need for residents to contact already overwhelmed practices or by having to deroster from their current physician to be considered. This list will be the only place residents need to register,” according to a statement issued by the County.

The Healthcare Needs Assessment form available online or call 705-930-4765. Together, we can create a healthcare landscape that meets the needs of today and tomorrow, ensuring a brighter and healthier future for all residents of Peterborough County.

"We are taking action to assist residents who need access to healthcare. To begin the essential work of recruiting and planning for the future of primary healthcare delivery in our communities, the Healthcare Needs Assessment form will provide a convenient and consolidated overview of where resources are needed across our county,” said Bonnie Clark, Peterborough County Warden. “Our goal is for healthcare to be more accessible for everyone; rural or urban, young or elderly. I encourage every resident in Peterborough County to complete the Healthcare Needs Assessment Form.”

“I am deeply honoured to serve in this capacity, dedicated to the fundamental mission of ensuring equitable access to primary care for every resident of Peterborough County,” said Lori Richey, Healthcare Advancement Coordinator. “Our commitment extends beyond immediate solutions; it entails the meticulous implementation of a comprehensive, long-term strategy, shaped by the invaluable insights of our community members. Together, we are fostering a healthier future for the vibrant community of Peterborough County.”

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