Peterborough and The Kawarthas O’de Piitaanemaan Pledge Reaches 1,000 Pledges

Following the July 6 introduction of the O’de Piitaanemaan Pledge (pronounced Oh-da Pee-tah-na-mawn), over 1000 people have vowed to participate in a campaign to promise to respect the land, waterways and communities of the region.

Photo courtesy of Peterborough and The Kawarthas.

Photo courtesy of Peterborough and The Kawarthas.

The original goal of having 500 pledges by the end of 2021 was surpassed within one week. That resulted in Peterborough and the Kawarthas Tourism doubling that number to 1,000 as a new goal for 2021 which was also surpassed this week, less than two months after launch.

The pledge has received significant support, including both First Nations communities in the region, which issued the following statement of support “Hiawatha First Nation and Curve Lake First Nation are committed to continuing to work in cooperation with our neighbours, including the City and County of Peterborough. The O'de Piitaanemaan Pledge is a recent example of our coming together in a positive way. The Pledge was created by Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development (PKED) through meaningful and extensive consultation with both Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations. The incorporation of Michi Saagiig teachings and language within the Pledge is a demonstration of PKED's commitment to working in cooperation with us. Together, we can fulfil the intent of the Pledge – to give respect to all creation.”

The O’de Piitaanemaan Pledge has been taken and supported by many individuals, businesses, municipalities and organizations locally such as the New Canadians Centre Peterborough, the Peterborough Petes, the Canadian Canoe Museum, Fleming College and Trent University.

To learn more about the O’de Piitaanemaan Pledge, click here.

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