Patio Season Is Approaching As City Approves Temporary Changes To Downtown Spaces

Patio season is approaching with plans underway to create more patio and pedestrian space in the downtown.

File Photo.

At its meeting on Monday, City Council approved temporary changes to the downtown public space to allow for additional patio and pedestrian space this patio season. The patio season set up is expected to be installed in late May or early June.

“Downtown patio and pedestrian spaces enhance the vibrancy of our downtown for visitors while supporting businesses. Our downtown community attracted people into the central area to visit the patios last year – and I’m looking forward to them building on that success this year,” Town Ward Councillor Kemi Akapo said.

The plan includes: 

  • Allowing businesses on George, Water and Charlotte streets to use on-street parking spaces for additional outdoor business/patio space with no permit fee for the use of the space

  • Maintaining the existing two vehicular travel lanes and cycling lanes on George and Water streets

  • Reducing Hunter Street to a one-lane, one-way street to expand pedestrian space and available patio areas

  • Maintaining Charlotte Street as a two-way, two-lane street, while allowing for patios in on-street parking spaces through the patio permit process

  • The use of decorative fencing and planters to delineate between the new pedestrian areas, expanded/on-street patios and vehicular traffic lanes

Reduced speed limits will be put in place on streets with patios. Parking spaces and loading zones may be adjusted once patio locations have been confirmed with participating businesses.

If provincial or local public health directives change in response to the pandemic, the City will be ready to adjust to support public health and downtown businesses in relation to the downtown built environment.

The Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) and Peterborough Public Health provided guidance on the implementation of downtown built environment changes for this patio season. The DBIA is assisting its member businesses with the distribution of patio permit information packages.

Businesses inquiring about permits for patio space downtown are asked to contact: 

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