Otonabee Conservation Receives Over $1 Million In Funding To Improve Four Local Outdoor Areas

Otonabee Conservation has received over $1 million from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) towards four projects throughout the Otonabee River watershed.

Funds from the Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) and the Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) will reinvent and revitalize Jackson Creek Trail, Harold Town Conservation Area (CA), Warsaw Caves CA, and Selwyn Beach CA.

“Otonabee Conservation is honoured to receive this significant investment from the Government of Canada to enhance four of our most popular outdoor recreation properties across the Region,” said Ryan Huntley, Chair of the Otonabee Conservation Board of Directors, “These improvements will provide a more enjoyable and inclusive outdoor experience for residents and visitors to our watershed that would not be possible without this funding from FedDev Ontario; we are grateful for this commitment to Conservation Areas and trails in our watershed.”

Otonabee Conservation was awarded $368,000 from the TRF to revitalize the Harold Town CA by increasing accessibility and inclusivity of trails and adding facilities such as picnic shelters and an accessible, inclusive washroom.

Through the CCRF, $524,000 was awarded to Otonabee Conservation for the revitalization of the Jackson Creek Trail. This includes bridge repairs and railing replacement, improved grading, and the addition of accessibility features.

An additional $189,000 from the CCRF will enable Otonabee Conservation to construct accessible and inclusive washroom facilities at the Warsaw Caves Conservation Area and at Selwyn Beach Conservation Area in Lakefield.

Each location will also include new signage and virtual/digital technology integration to enhance visitors’ experience and understanding of the habitat and wildlife along the trail, and to recognize First Nations heritage.

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