Moose on the Loose In Peterborough's West End; Police Warn Public Not to Approach Wildlife

A wild moose is on the loose and was spotted in the west end of town in the Weller Street area on Tuesday morning. Peterborough Police Service urges everyone to avoid contact or conflicts with any wildlife.

Photo courtesy of Mary Ellen Waudby.

The Police have contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources with the latter offering tips for staying safe:

  • Never approach a wild animal. Always keep you, your family and pets a safe distance away from wildlife. Dogs should be kept leashed.

  • If a deer, elk or moose approaches you, back off and look for a tree, fence or building to hide behind. If the animal charges, run to the nearest obstruction (like a tree, fence or building).

  • Leave orphaned wild animals alone (parents are often close by and will return for their young)

  • Always drive with caution if wildlife may be in the area. Brake firmly if an animal is standing on or crossing the road, stopping if necessary. Swerving to avoid hitting a wild animal may result in loss of control and a more serious collision.

  • If you see a wild animal while in your vehicle do not try to get closer. Do not feed it from your vehicle. When people feed them from their vehicles, it teaches these animals to associate cars and humans with a potential food source. This can lead animals to wait on the roadsides or even approach vehicles hoping to get food. This can cause traffic hazards and safety concerns for animals and roadway citizens.

  • If there is an immediate threat to public safety, dial 911 or the local police service.

If the public has a sighting of the moose and it is safe to do so, please report it to the Peterborough work centre at 705-755-2001 or

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