Local Author and Illustrator Publish Children's Fantasy Book 'Polly & The Pumpkin Patch Pixie'

Inclusion and individuality, inspired by real-life events come to life from local author Niki Allday and illustrator Kaylah Wilson as they published a children’s fantasy book ‘Polly & The Pumpkin Patch Pixie.’

17-year-old Kaylah Wilson (left) and Niki Allday (right) with her two children. The book took roughly 18 months to create with illustrations beginning since February. Photos courtesy of Niki Allday.

The book is a fairytale with the protagonist Polly and her pixie friend in a magical pumpkin adventure. It is based on Allday’s experiences visiting Cody & Kelsie's Veggy Patch in Millbrook with her children, drawing a simile between people and pumpkins.

“I hope people understand the underlying message of inclusion and individuality,” explained Allday. “We all come in different colours, shapes and sizes, just like the pumpkins.”

The book is inspired from visits to Cody & Kelsie's Veggy Patch in Millbrook as it is a ‘magical’ pumpkin patch described by Allday. Photo courtesy of Niki ALlday.

The book is already available online at Amazon and is planned to be sold locally at Watson & Lou and Bellies & Babies. Cody & Kelsie's Veggy Patch is also selling copies during the fall season.

Polly & The Pumpkin Patch Pixie took one-and-a-half years from start to finish to complete. Allday had the help of 17-year-old student Wilson who illustrated the book, beginning work early this year.

“Kaylah had started her illustrations in February, working through her exams and keeping a very tight deadline so we could move forward with publishing for our fall launch,” said Allday. “Kaylah was so easy to work with and seeing my story come to life, was a beautiful experience.”

Allday is also a photographer atop her authoring career. Photo courtesy of Niki ALlday.

Allday said she stuck to strict deadlines to get it ready for the fall season, appropriately enough to match the setting of her book.

The pair have a book signing scheduled at Chapters on Lansdowne Street for Sept. 30.

I am so proud of us both and truly grateful to Chapters for hosting us and for the local shops offering to sell copies,” exclaimed Allday.

One of Allday’s most rewarding moments of writing and publishing a book is being able to share it with her two children.

“It’s a very special feeling laying in bed reading your children a story you wrote, that was inspired by a memory spent with them,” she said.

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