Ice Cream Parlour Serving Up Smiles for Children's Charity
/Central Smith Ice Cream served charity ice cream cones for Five Counties Children’s Centre’s “Do It For The Kids” campaign on Saturday.
(Left to Right) Allison Zomer, Central Smith server; Jennifer Scates, Central Smith co-owner; Linsay Kampf, Five Counties communications coordinator and Olivia Stevenson. Central Smith server. Photo by David Tuan Bui.
The creamery was selling $2.50 single-scoop vanilla ice cream cones with blue and green sprinkles — the Five Counties’ colours — where proceeds go towards the charity. They also sold $2 donation cards as another method to raise money.
The one-day event is a wrap-up of a campaign that the creamery runs monthly. The events were organized by the creamery staff including a cakewalk, bake sales, 50/50 draws and a “Do It for Dad” ice cream day.
“It’s really been a grassroots organization and it’s been driven by the staff,” said Jennifer Scates, Central Smith co-owner. “It’s been phenomenal.”
Central Smith has over 60 flavours of ice cream, sherbet or sorbet that are available in cones, cups or sundaes. Photo by David Tuan Bui.
The ice cream parlour has raised roughly $1,800 towards their $5,000 goal to be donated on Halloween. Central Smith has unaccounted funds in the past month that has yet to be counted toward the total.
The staff chose Five Counties as their charity of choice back in September. The creamery runs a charity campaign every two years where Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Team55 and Terry Fox have been past recipients.
Central Smith began exclusive production of premium ice cream in 1952. Photo by David Tuan Bui.