Hospice Peterborough to Receive $473,000 In Additional Funding Over Two Years For Palliative Care
/The Ontario Government has expanded palliative care services in Peterborough-Kawartha increasing Hospice Peterborough’s funding by $473,000 over the next two years, announced on Wednesday.
MPP DAVE SMITH (LEFT) WITH HAJNI HŐS, HOSPICE PETERBOROUGH EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (RIGHT) IN FRONT OF HOSPICE PETERBOROUGH ON LONDON STREET. Ontario is expanding end-of-life care services by adding 23 new hospice beds to the 509 beds already available across the province to connect Ontarians with end-of-life care. PHOTO BY DAVID TUAN BUI.
The funding is part of the Ontario Government’s ‘Your Health: A Plan for Connected and Convenient Care’ initiative to expand access to palliative care services in Peterborough and the Kawarthas. This increase is part of the provincial government’s $147.4 million investment over three years for palliative care according to MPP Dave Smith.
“Families have expressed their gratitude regarding the service that their loved ones receive,” he said. “This funding will allow Hospice Peterborough to continue the remarkable care for not only patients but for family members as well. This is Part of our government’s commitment to ensure everyone has access to care when and where they need it most.”
“These much-needed funds will cover approximately 80 per cent of our expenses, compared to the previous 60 per cent coverage, for our 10-bed hospice residence which offers 24/7 professional, patient-centred palliative care to those in their last weeks of life,” said Hajni Hős, Hospice Peterborough executive director.
Some of the funding for palliative and end-of-life services across Ontario include:
Grief and bereavement support that help families and caregivers who are grieving the loss of a loved one;
Advance care planning to help patients and families prepare for future health care decisions; and
Perinatal palliative care programs that provide specialized grief, bereavement, and peer support that help parents prepare for the loss of their infant.