Hospice Peterborough Is Bringing Back Dove Tradition For Those Grieving a Loved one

Community members who are grieving the death of a loved one are invited to join a special holiday event that involves placing a paper dove, with the name of a loved one, on the Hospice Peterborough fence to help honour the memory of loved ones during a difficult time.

Photo courtesy of Hospice Peterborough.

Any community member can print and decorate a dove using this template on Hospice Peterborough’s website, and then hang the dove on the fence outside of our building at 325 London St. Hospice Peterborough has lit the evergreens outside of the building to remind us all that, even in times of grief, there is shared light and peace from the community.

“The holidays can be a time of great sorrow for those who have lost a loved one and our doves honour the special memories that those who have died leave with each of us,” said Hospice Peterborough executive director Hajni Hős. “Hospice welcomes everyone who would like to bring a dove for the fence – this is not just for Hospice clients.”

Hospice Peterborough staff are thinking of all those who are grieving a death whether it was recent or in the past. Grief changes over time but many feel it strongly over the holidays, whether their person died recently or many years ago.

“Grief, like love, is a human emotion that unites us,” said Julie Brown, supportive care counsellor at Hospice Peterborough. “And the trees and doves are Hospice’s way of acknowledging the memories and sharing the peace and light felt throughout this community during the holiday season.”

Anyone seeking further support can watch the Grief and the Holidays 2021 video, call 705-742-4042 or visit hospicepeterborough.org for more information.

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