Curve Lake First Nation Community Fundraising For New Wheelchair For Elder Dorothy Taylor

Elder Dorothy Taylor is a prominent member of the Curve Lake First Nation community, who works as an Ojibwe traditional Elder, hand drummer and water environmental activist. After being diagnosed with Limb and Girdle Muscular Dystrophy in December 2000, members of the community are rallying together in hopes to purchase her a new wheelchair to allow her to continue doing the work she loves to do.

Photo by Georgie Horton- Babtiste.

“Dorothy is so lovely, so vibrant,” said Alix Taylor, a member of Curve Lake First Nation. “ She always says she has her rose coloured glasses on. Despite having physical ailments she always makes an effort to get out and share her knowledge.”

Alix met Dorothy 12 years ago, when Dorothy was in the early stages of starting ‘Sacred Water Circle’.

Sacred Water Circle is a group founded by Dorothy. It is a volunteer run, not for profit initiative that has brought together Indigenous and non- Indigenous people to work together for the benefit of water. The group strives to spread the message ‘Water is Life’ by hosting Water Walks and spreading knowledge throughout the area.

In addition to being a water activist Dorothy is an Ojibwe traditional Elder.

She spends her days sharing her knowledge of Indigenous culture with Indigenous children in Curve Lake and involved with Family Services.

Dorothy can also be found at local Pow Wow's, walking her dog on the beach and visiting community members.

Since being diagnosed, Dorothy’s mobility has been greatly affected, says Alix.

“The disease she has is progressive,” she said. “Her mobility continues to slowly deteriorate but she still wants to continue doing what she has been doing, she wants to continue educating and sharing her knowledge.”

Alix says the wheelchair she is currently using isn’t fit for rural areas.

“She can’t do the things she does in her normal life without this. Sure, she could continue to share her knowledge, but she deserves this. Her quality of life depends on it.”

Alix says they have been applying to funding though none of it will cover the full cost of the chair.

Alix, with volunteers from the Sacred Water Circle, want to raise $32,000.00 to purchase Dorothy a wheelchair called a Magic Mobility Extreme X8.

To date they have raised over $8,000 through the GoFundMe. They hope to plan in person fundraisers in the fall, which will be announced via Sacred Water Circle social media page, or the GoFundMe page.

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