City To Distribute Trees For Canopy Conservation On Saturday

The City of Peterborough will host “Trees for Canopy Conservation” on Saturday at Beavermead Park.

Beavermead Park. File Photo.

The free, family-friendly event will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The event will feature information and activities that focus on the importance of trees and their role in mitigating climate change:

  • GreenUP’s Ecology Park will deliver presentations on how to plant trees and provide them ongoing care and maintenance;

  • 4RG will present information on the value of trees and how they help with climate change with interactive tables, as well as a ribbon tree display to learn more about different types of trees;

  • Children’s activities include Glen Caradus’s Paddling Puppeteer show and a craft table with tree-themed activities;

  • Camp Kawartha will have an interactive table; and

  • The Sacred Water Circle will provide a First Nations perspective and drumming.

As part of the event, the City will be distributing 300 trees to property owners who previously registered for the free tree giveaway on April 21.

Registered residents are reminded to arrive at their scheduled time and have their registration confirmation with them in either electronic or printed format. Please note that all the trees were spoken for on the opening day of registration, and trees will only be given to residents who are registered.

The trees are intended to offset the loss of healthy trees that are removed each year, and help grow the urban canopy

“We’re excited to launch the City’s first Trees for Canopy Conservation,” said Councillor Kim Zippel, Chair of the City’s Environment and Climate Change portfolio. “Urban forest renewal helps to mitigate many of the societal challenges faced by cities, and is key to conserving and improving biodiversity, sequestering carbon, cooling and filtering our air, and reducing flood risk. Plus, a healthy urban canopy provides an environment that is good for our mental and physical wellbeing.”

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