City Services During Step 2 of Ontario's Reopening Roadmap

The City of Peterborough has provided an update on Tuesday of municipal services and facilities for Step 2 Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen beginning Wednesday.

Beavermead Park located on Ashburnham Rd. with trails, campsites, a beach and soccer fields. Photo Courtesy of City of Peterborough.

Beavermead Park located on Ashburnham Rd. with trails, campsites, a beach and soccer fields. Photo Courtesy of City of Peterborough.

Arena Division

The Province has scheduled indoor sports and recreational fitness facilities to reopen during Step 3 of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopening. In alignment with the provincial directive, arenas remain closed at this time. Please contact Arena Division Customer Service at or ext. 2577 for further information.

Note: The Evinrude Centre (the facility will be renamed Healthy Planet Arena later this summer) will continue to be used for vaccination clinics. Please see for information on how to book vaccinations for those who are eligible. 

The PTBOLive Summer Concert Series is happening at the PMC parking lot as previously announced. Events will proceed in compliance with all operational requirements as outlined in the Roadmap to Reopen. For a list of events and concert information, please visit

Art Gallery of Peterborough

The Province has scheduled art galleries to reopen during Step 3 of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen. In alignment with the provincial directive, the Art Gallery of Peterborough's facility remains closed at this time. Programs and services continue online.

Building, Planning and other services under Infrastructure and Planning Services

Building Services remains open for pick-up and drop-off service for Infrastructure and Planning Services from its location in the North Wing of City Hall on Monday, June 14. Residents are encouraged to access services online or by phone 705-742-7777 ext. 1892 whenever possible. Visit for information, forms and the application process.

Child care centres

Licensed centre-based and home child care are permitted to operate under the provincial regulations.

City Hall

City Hall remains open for in-person service with public health precautions in place. Residents are asked to please call ahead to schedule an appointment for most services at City Hall. Regular business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and the phone number is 705-742-7777.

City Council

To respect the restrictions on indoor gatherings, City Council continues to meet virtually through electronic meetings at this time. Council meetings can be watched at For a listing of scheduled Council meetings, please visit

City parks, pavilions and special events

City parks remain open for causal use with people required to stay two metres apart from others. Outdoor special events in City parks and pavilions will resume during Step 2. The outdoor social gathering limit has been increased to 25 people for a private event, where two metres physical distancing can be maintained. Organizers can apply for a permit to host organized events such as birthday parties, reunions, or other special events in City parks by submitting a COVID-19 Safety Plan for approval prior to the event.

Outdoor religious ceremonies including weddings and events hosted by staffed organizations are permitted during Step 2.

For further information please visit our website at, or contact the Recreation Division at 705-742-7777 ext. 1829.

Community Services

Community Services, Arts, Culture and Heritage, Public Art and the Heritage Preservation Office remains closed to in-person service, with staff available by calling 705-742-7777 ext. 1822 or by email at

Curbside pickup parking

Curbside pickup parking spaces for free 15-minute parking are provided in the downtown area.

Downtown Youth Space

The Downtown Youth Space operating at PCVS remains closed until further notice.

Peterborough Museum and Archives

Starting, Saturday, July 3, the Museum Gift Shop is expanding its open hours to include weekends from noon to 4 p.m. and weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., by appointment.

Appointments can be made online at or by phoning 705-743-5180.

The Museum will be open for children’s Summer Discovery Camps on July 12, 2021.

In accordance with Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen, the Museum exhibition galleries will remain closed until the Province moves to Step 3.

Peterborough Public Library

Starting Tuesday, July 6, 2021, community members will be able to visit the library in person, browse the collection, use the public computers, pick up holds, and check out items.

Operating hours are:

  • Sunday and Monday – closed

  • Tuesday – 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  • Wednesday – 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Thursday – 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  • Friday – 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Saturday – 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Visitors will be required to enter and exit the library through the main entrance on Aylmer Street and will be asked to self screen before entering. Capacity will be limited to 50 people inside the facility at any time in accordance with the capacity limits in the Step 2 guidelines as set out by the Province.

The library asks that everyone who wishes to visit the library be courteous of others and keep their visit brief to allow as many people as possible the opportunity to do the same.

High-touch and shared touch areas, including children’s play areas and gathering places such as meeting rooms, will remain closed at this time.

The library will continue to offer virtual programs which can be found under the What’s Happening tab of the library website

The DelaFosse branch remains closed at this time.

Further details are available online at

Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre

Indoor sport and recreation facilities are not permitted to open during Step 2 of the Province’s Roadmap to Reopen. The Sport and Wellness Centre remains closed at this time. Staff are working with Peterborough Public Health to create a plan to safely re-open the Centre when permitted under the provincial regulations. When further information is available, it will be shared through public communication, emails to members, the website, and social media updates.

Children day camp programs permitted under Step 2 guidelines are being offered at both the Sport and Wellness Centre and Peterborough Navy Club. These programs begin on Monday and registration is ongoing.

To speak to a staff member, please contact 705-742-0050 ext. 2201 and leave a voicemail – a staff member will return messages between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Alternatively, questions can be emailed to

Peterborough Marina

The Marina is open for all seasonal and transient boating activities. Each boater is responsible for complying with provincial restrictions and the Marina COVID-19 Safety Guidelines. Boaters must ensure that members on the boat are only from the same household.  

Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (including holidays).

Please contact or 705-745-8787 for additional information.

Provincial Offences Court Services

The court administration service counter remains open for in-person service under modified hours of 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. Face coverings are mandatory, and only one person at a time is permitted at the service counter.

All inquiries and payments can also be made by phone 705-742-7777 ext. 2099 or online at

Public Operations Centre (Public Works)

The Public Operations Centre (Public Works) administration office at 791 Webber Ave. remains closed to the public. Public Works can be reached for non-urgent matters, by email, or using the online Report an Issue form at For urgent matters, please call 705-745-1386. This line is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Social Services

Public access to the Social Services office at 178 Charlotte St. will continue to be limited to 2 people at a time with public health screening done at the front entrance. Clients are required to wear a face covering and stay in authorized areas only. Social Services client appointments will take place over the phone whenever possible. Current clients are encouraged to contact their caseworkers for further information and are encouraged to register for online services through MyBenefits. The local phone number is 705-748-8830 or 1-855-738-3755.

Clients who have bank accounts are encouraged to contact their caseworkers about signing up for direct deposit.

All applications for Ontario Works or Emergency Assistance will be done online at or over the phone, when possible, to minimize face-to-face interaction to allow for physical distancing. Applications for other services such as Child Care fee subsidy may be completed over the phone.

Emergency shelter services will continue to operate as normal, with COVID-19 safety measures in place. Individuals can call 705-926-0096 for emergency shelter services on evenings and weekends.

Sport field permitting and outdoor fitness classes

Sport fields are open for casual use, as well as outdoor sport leagues are permitted to engage in non-contact sport in Step 2 of the Province’s Roadmap to Reopen. COVID-19 safety guidelines remain in place and all sport leagues will be required to submit an approved COVID-19 Safety Plan to the City prior to league play. Guidelines include capacity limits for spectators, active screenings and maintaining a physical distance of at least two metres for all coaches, trainers, volunteers and spectators.

Outdoor fitness classes are permitted with physical distancing of 3 metres in place, which includes City programs such as tennis, pickleball and outdoor fitness. For further information on these programs please visit our website at and visit the Explore and Play section.

To book an outdoor sports facility or for further information, please contact the Recreation Division at 705-742-7777 ext. 1829 or visit online at


Peterborough Transit continues to operate as currently scheduled. Face covering is mandatory and physical distancing is required. Visit for service details.

Customer service at the terminal is open with only two customers permitted into the facility at a time. A face covering must be worn at all times.

To allow for a single direction of traffic flow onboard the bus, customers are asked to enter through the front door and exit by the back door. Mobility customers will continue to access the front door ramp. When finding a place on the bus, customers are asked to keep an eye out for areas with extra space and respect fellow riders’ personal areas when moving about the bus.

Waste Management

Garbage and recycling collection continues as normally scheduled. To protect waste management workers, please ensure that all personal items and personal protective equipment are properly bagged in the garbage.

The Peterborough City/County Landfill remains open, with COVID-19 safety precautions in place. Face coverings and physical distancing is required. Only electronic payment is accepted (no cash).

The Recycling Depot and Household Hazardous Waste Depot on Pido Road will remain open, with COVID-19 safety precautions in place. Face coverings and physical distancing is required. More information is online at

Making payments to the City

Residents are encouraged to make use of the numerous methods available when doing financial interactions with the City and avoid using cash.

Property taxes can be paid like any other bill through online or telephone banking using the 15-digit roll number as the account number. Cheques can be mailed to the Tax Office, City Hall, 500 George St. N., Peterborough, ON., K9H 3R9, or placed in the secure drop box located by the steps at the front doors of City Hall. The City offers preauthorized payment plans by completing an online form that’s available at

The City does not directly accept credit cards as a payment method for property taxes; however, people can use online bill payment services such as PaySimply, Plastiq or Paytm to pay property taxes online using a credit card. The listed payment services are not affiliates or partners of the City; they may apply service charges and there may be restrictions on the type of credit cards accepted.

For parking tickets, payments can be made online through, over the phone at 705-742-7777 ext. 1865 or by cheque submitted through mail or using the drop box outside City Hall.

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