City of Peterborough's Flood Reduction Subsidy Program Available

Property owners can access the City of Peterborough’s Flood Reduction Subsidy Program for funding.

Photo by Keegan Beekers.

The program assists with eliminating sources of groundwater and rainwater entering their sanitary sewer system which can cause basement flooding.

Rainwater and groundwater entering the sanitary sewer can cause basement flooding, environmental hazards and more significant wastewater treatment costs for taxpayers. It also reduces sewer capacity for future growth and decreases the sewer system’s lifespan.

Through the Flood Reduction Subsidy Program, the City provides financial assistance toward the following property improvements:

  • Installation of a backwater valve (full cost up to $1,000)

  • Foundation drain disconnection from a sanitary sewer with a sump pit and pump installation (full cost up to $1,500)

  • Backwater valve installation and foundation drain disconnect from the sanitary sewer with a sump pit and pump together for the same property (eligible for full cost up to $3,000)

  • Repair of broken or missing clean out caps (maximum of $50)

  • Downspout (full cost up to $500) and roof drain (full cost up to $3,500) disconnection from the sanitary sewer

  • Catch basin disconnection from the sanitary sewer and reconnected to the storm sewer (full cost up to $15,000)

For properties with more than one eligible item from this list, funding eligibility will be based on a case-by-case basis.

By participating in the Flood Reduction Subsidy Program and removing the rainwater inflow or groundwater infiltration sources, residents will reduce the potential of basement flooding while improving our community’s environment and reducing City of Peterborough's costs for wastewater treatment and sewer system upgrades.

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