City Of Peterborough Provides Update And Thank You After May Storm

The City of Peterborough has released an update after the May 21 storm that caused major power outages, and required extensive clean-up around the city.

File Photo.

A special curbside green waste collection to collect debris from the May 21 wind storm is now complete and all City parks and trails have reopened.

The special green waste collection took place over several weeks, with City Public Works crews completing two rounds of pick-ups of tree debris that was too large for the regular green waste collection. Now that the special collection is complete, residents should bundle or bag green waste within the regular guidelines to allow crews to handle the material:

  • There is no limit on the quantity of green waste that can be placed at the curb through the City's regular green waste collection service

  • Green waste must be in reusable containers that are labelled, bushel baskets or paper yard waste bags. Plastic bags are not permitted

  • Each bag and container must weigh less than 22 kilograms (50 pounds) and be shorter than 1 metre (3 feet)

  • All brush and branches must be tied in bundles up to one metre (three feet) in length and 30 centimetres (12 inches) in diameter, weighing no more than 23 kilograms (50 pounds). Larger size items cannot be loaded into the collection vehicle.

  • Stumps, soil and stones are not accepted through the green waste collection.

Green waste that does not meet regular curbside collection guidelines may be taken to the Peterborough Landfill  at 1260 Bensfort Rd. The regular fee for green waste drop off at the landfill is $7 for 100 kilograms or less of material or for $95 per tonne.

All City parks have been reopened. Everyone visiting parks should remain cautious when near trees or in wooded areas for hanging limbs, or trees that may have sustained damage that is not visible. Despite parks and trails being open, there will be some ongoing tree work conducted in various parks and trails throughout the City.

“The recovery efforts following the May 21 wind storm have been remarkable,” said Mayor Diane Therrien. “We would like to thank City Public Works staff, Urban Forestry staff, and all who were involved for their efforts on tree removals, brush collection and storm damage clean up.”

Mayor Therrien also recognized the incredible support from the City of Kingston and the City of Hamilton, which sent crews to work on high-priority tree removals and hanging limbs that were impacting roads, sidewalks, and trails. Additional thanks go to private contractors who worked with the City to reopen parks as quickly and safely as possible including H&M Landscaping, CBL Tree Service, Elemental Tree Care, Ontario Line Clearing, Arborcor Tree Care, Tim McConnell Tree Services, Palmer Tree Service, Treescape Certified Arborists and Ethic Tree Creations.

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