City Celebrates National Youth Week With Free Events From May 1-7

National Youth Week events will be hosted throughout Peterborough during the week of May 1 to 7.

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These events are organized in partnership between the City of Peterborough, Otonabee Conservation, Council for Persons with Disabilities, the New Canadians Centre, and the Camp Kawartha Pathway to Stewardship and Kinship, and open to youth between the ages of 13 and 19 years old

“This weeklong calendar of events is organized by young people in our community for the young people in our community,” said Councillor Kemi Akapo, chair of the City’s youth portfolio. “I’m proud of the Youth Council for their efforts putting this together. Along the way they gained new skills and built new relationships. National Youth Week is a win-win for our local youth.”

Events include a community clean up at Jacksons Park, free swim at the Wellness Centre, a food festival at the New Canadians Centre, a Murder Mystery at Peterborough Museum and Archives, and many more.

A full schedule of events is online at

Peterborough’s events for National Youth Week will be featured on social media @downtownyouthspace on Instagram and Tik Tok. Participants can tag @downtownyouthspace and use the hashtag #NYW2022 when sharing pictures of themselves enjoying the events.

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