Bonnerworth Park Project Consultation Extended
/The public commenting period for the draft plan for the Bonnerworth Park project has been extended to 5 p.m. on Aug. 21.
Photo by David Tuan Bui.
Public comments on the draft plan, which can be viewed through the City’s community engagement hub can be submitted using the comments tool on the project page, by emailing or by calling 705-742-0050 ext. 2226#.
The draft plan for the park, located at 550 McDonnel St., was posted last Thursday.
A presentation outlining the features of the draft plan is posted on the project page.
A community outdoor recreation facility needs study, community consultation, the project budget and site-specific technical studies to inform the creation of the project plan.
A summary of the submissions from the current commenting period will be posted on the project page.
Community consultation for the Bonnerworth Park project and the Knights of Columbus Park project was undertaken from February through April 2024 with two surveys, two public meetings, and meetings with recreation facility user groups related to the two projects.
City Council initially approved the Bonnerworth Park project when it approved the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study in October 2023. It approved the Bonnerworth Park project in the City’s 2024 Budget in December 2023.
The draft plan shows features such as:
About 275 trees will be planted in the park
About 63 per cent of the site will be green space – landscaped/grass
Setbacks from neighbouring properties
Noise attenuation measures, including noise attenuation fencing and landscaping such as berms
The location of 14 pickleball courts, down from 16 when the concept was initially introduced
The location of the new bike pump track will be designed with grass areas between the bike paths
The expansion of the existing skateboard park
Parking areas totalling 44 spaces, which is a reduction from a previous concept
Pathways within the park