Artwork Memorializes Messages From Residents Impacted By Suicide And Overdose

The Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation (GPHSF) and Hospice Peterborough unveiled an art installation, which involves messages to loved ones who died by suicide and overdose, at Rogers Cove last week, following a collaborative event that raised $1,455 in donations for Hospice’s suicide bereavement programs.

From left, local artist Lee Higginson and Elizabeth Bower-Gordon, Hospice Peterborough communications assistant, stand at Rogers Cove on Aug. 2 during the unveiling of artwork from the Darkness to Light event. Photo courtesy of Hospice Peterborough.

Local artist Lee Higginson created the installation, called Frayed/Bound, with messages from and materials chosen by Peterborough and area residents who had gathered on Dec. 21 for Darkness to Light – an outdoor sunrise gathering held at Rogers Cove for anyone impacted by suicide and overdose.

“The hope is that Frayed/Bound captures the sense of being undone and raw, but also the idea that being connected in grief makes the person, and community, stronger,” said Higginson.

Last year’s inaugural event was free to attend and focused on the unique grieving process that follows loosing someone to suicide.

“We are grateful for this community collaboration that helped support those who had experienced this type of loss and allowed them to come together to honour their person,” said Sheila Bourgeois, Hospice Peterborough’s Child and Family Life Specialist. “The generous funding will help Hospice to continue to offer our specialized support group for people who have experienced the death of a close family member by suicide.”

“Our hope through this event is to not only create awareness and financial support for the programs, but also help breakdown stigma and barriers to accessing the support,” said Vince e Bierworth, Executive Director for the GPHSF. “These are great programs with kind and compassionate people there to help you through your journey.”

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