All Saints Peterborough Aims to Bolster the Community with Spooky Walk and Food Program
/All Saints Peterborough continues to reach out to the community throughout the pandemic, with their growing food program and their Halloween Spooky Walk.
All Saints’ volunteer Lois Cook is bagging essential food items which help support over 200 community members each week as part of their food security outreach. Photo Courtesy of All Saints’ Peterborough.
When the COVID pandemic began, All Saints’ provided Prince of Whales Public School with Breakfast Bags, a meal program available to students. Now, that program has grown to become the All Saints' Peterborough weekly Outreach Food Program.
The program provides close to 40 families with increased food security.
Volunteers gather weekly at All Saints’ to bag groceries that help supplement the groceries of neighbouring families in the community. These ‘grocery bags’ include many essential items, including breakfast items (fresh eggs and bread products), peanut butter, canned beans and tuna, and frozen and canned vegetables.
Reverend Suzanna McMillan (left) and Reverend Samantha Caravan (right) in front of one of five vegetable garden boxes that will continually grow crops for local communities. Photo by David Tuan Bui.