Advanced Voting For 2022 Municipal Election To Begin Oct. 8

The first in-person voting opportunity for the 2022 Municipal Election in the City of Peterborough will be at advance voting locations starting on Saturday.

Votes can be casted in-person or online by using your Voter Notification Card. File photo.

There are three advance voting days to cast ballots in person on Saturday, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22 before Election Day on Oct. 24.

Voting locations are open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on advance voting days, and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the day of the election.

For in-person voting, voters can go to one of the voting locations in their designated wards (one of the five electoral districts where they live in the City.) Voting locations are listed on the Voter Notification Card. Residents can check what ward they live in using the City’s interactive ward map:

On Election Day, there will be 16 designated voting locations throughout the City.

In-person advance voting locations include:

  • Ward 1 – Otonabee: Healthy Planet Arena, 911 Monaghan Rd.

  • Ward 2 – Monaghan: Westdale United Church, 1509 Sherbrooke St.

  • Ward 3 – Town: Peterborough Public Library, 345 Aylmer St. N.

  • Ward 4 – Ashburnham: Lions Community Centre, 347 Burnham St.

  • Ward 5 – Northcrest: Northview Community Church, 1000 Fairbairn St.

  • Advance accessible voting – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Oct. 17 to 21 at City Hall, 500 George St. N.

When voting in person, voters are asked to bring their Voter Notification Card for the quickest experience at voting locations. People who are eligible to vote in the election can still vote if they are not registered or do not have their Voter Notification Card by showing identification that has their name and qualifying address.

Residents who are experiencing homelessness or do not have a permanent home or fixed address can still vote. Election staff will assist them in determining eligibility.

Free rides through Peterborough Transit to and from voting locations on advance voting days and Election Day will be offered. To use this service, voters are asked to show their Voter Notification Card when getting on the bus.

For in-person voting, voters are encouraged to follow Peterborough Public Health guidance on public health measures based on the local COVID-19 Risk Index, which is currently at the “very high” level.

The City of Peterborough has consulted with Peterborough Public Health on planning for in-person voting locations. Measures to help protect the health of voters and staff at voting locations will be in place.

To vote online, voters will need their voter ID and PIN number provided on their Voter Notification Cards that they will receive in the mail.

Online voting is open from 10 a.m. on Oct. 1 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 24 at

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