Here Are Safety Guidelines For Neighbourhood Rinks In Peterborough During Covid
/Each year, volunteers organize to create outdoor rinks in their neighbourhoods. They maintain the rinks throughout the winter, contributing to their neighbourhoods.
To support this activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Peterborough and Peterborough Public Health worked together to develop guidelines for the safe use of outdoor neighbourhood rinks.
To ensure adequate space for physical distancing, a maximum capacity is posted for each outdoor neighbourhood rink based on the size of the rink, according to a City of Peterborough media release. Organized play on neighbourhood rinks is prohibited as part of the public health measures. No pick-up hockey games or shinny are allowed. Neighbourhood rinks are for casual recreational use only.
Photo via City of Peterborough
Other public health measures and general rules for neighbourhood park rinks include:
Self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. Stay home if you are sick.
Maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet) from those outside of your household.
Wearing a mask or face covering is recommended.
Each rink has a posted capacity limit. If the rink has reached this limit, return at another time.
Downloading the Government of Canada’s COVID Alert app to your phone is encouraged.
All children/dependents must be accompanied by a competent adult/guardian.
Play safe and be respectful of others and the host neighbourhood.
Clean up after yourself.
Do not block driveways or street access.
Use at your own risk.