City Of Kawartha Lakes And Peterborough County Enter Into Shared Service Agreement For Chief Of Paramedics
/Kawartha Lakes and Peterborough County Councils recently received presentations in their closed sessions by their Paramedic Services Review Team which consists of senior staff and the Chiefs of both Paramedic services.
The Team has collaborated on a Review to understand how the two services could work together for greater efficiencies. The Review is in line with the Provincial mandate to look at synergies of operations. It was also prompted by the forthcoming retirement of Chief Rafton, the Kawartha Lakes Paramedic Chief.
Kawartha Lakes is currently undertaking a paramedic service 10-year resource and facilities master plan and with the need for paramedic chief expertise, have chosen to enter into a shared service agreement with Peterborough County. This agreement will see Randy Mellow, Chief, Peterborough County-City Paramedics, take on a dual leadership role within both services while further review and the master plan is completed. Both Councils have granted approval to execute a Chief Shared Service agreement.
Chief Mellow and Chief Rafton