StoosNews Spotlight: Check Out The Business Beat This Week Featuring Trent Health In Motion, Bennett's Lawn Maintenance & More!

PTBOCanada is delighted to to be running StooNews columns each week here, spotlighting new businesses and startups in Peterborough and the Kawarthas. Here is this week’s edition…  

Dr. Joan Himann, a sports medicine physician, is now accepting new patients at Trent Health in Motion. Sports medicine physicians provide treatment for injuries that limit your ability to be active. Dr. Himann joins the Trent Health in Motion team, which includes physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, an athletic therapist, kinesiologist, hydrotherapy, and a dietitian. Whether your goal is to be able to garden without pain, walk after knee surgery or train for a triathlon, check out online, in store at 1600 West Bank Drive Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B8 Canada. or call 705-741-4758.

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Kim and Jeff MacDonald run The Stonehouse Hall, located in the Peterborough Curling Club on Lansdowne Street West. During the Covid shutdown, their kids, Hannah and Jailea got bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, so the family started Roadside Greetings, offering everything from special occasion lawn signs to boat graphics, custom business signs and car decals. Now that The Stonehouse Hall can start to reopen, the kids are taking over the business, and Kim and Jeff are busy preparing frozen dinners, and a Thursday special for take-out or delivery. All the details are at or

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Bennett's Lawn Maintenance is Mitchell Bennett’s new business. Mitchell is ready to serve the community with grass cutting and trimming, help around the garden with weeding, general clean up and garden maintenance, and winter sidewalk and driveway snow shoveling. Covering the City of Peterborough, Mitchell is another young hard-working entrepreneur, so give him a call at 705-927-0970.

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Finally, this Saturday, August 1st, the mandatory face covering policy comes into effect. I personally am 100% in favour of it, simply because it helps. Support for the Policy in Canada is 80% in favour, 20% against. Here is my take on it. If you can’t wear a mask, you should be accommodated. If you simply won’t wear a mask, you shouldn’t be. It’s the business owners and their employees who will be on the front line of this come Saturday, and you can thank those same businesses who have been providing a safe service, and the public health policies that have resulted in pretty much a month with zero new cases… If we don’t keep our distance, don’t follow advice, party it up, and not wear a face mask, we’ll get a second wave and a second shut down. So, let’s not screw it up….

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