Bold New Plan Will Make Downtown Peterborough Largest Open Air Shopping Experience In Region
/The City of Peterborough is adding more pedestrian space and flexible-use areas that give businesses an opportunity for some limited outside space as part of a re-working of public space in the downtown through a plan developed in collaboration with the Downtown Business Improvement Area and Peterborough Public Health.
Pedestrians, cyclists and motorists should watch for signs and markers indicating changes to sidewalks, cycling lanes, on-street parking and road lanes that are being implemented over the next several days.
Work has already begun to mark the roads where delineators will be installed to separate the expanded pedestrian space from vehicular traffic. As the equipment arrives, it will be installed in phases through sections of the downtown with George Street first, followed by areas on King, Charlotte, Water and Hunter streets, in that order. The changes are expected to be fully implemented by the end of next week.
File photo of Hunter Street by PTBOCanada
This bold plan will make Downtown Peterborough the largest open air shopping experience in the region, says Terry Guiel, Downtown Business Improvement Area Executive Director.
“Downtown will feature more than 30 new or expanded patios, allowing patrons a safe and enjoyable dining experience,” Guiel says. “The patios are essential to help bring staff back to work and to draw attention to the downtown in a vibrant way that will also increase foot traffic for our retailers.”
Photo courtesy DBIA
For vehicular traffic, the changes are largely in the following areas:
George Street between Murray Street and Sherbrooke Street, which will be reduced to one lane southbound for vehicular traffic
Water Street, between Simcoe Street and Hunter Street, which will be reduced to one lane northbound for vehicular traffic
Hunter Street between Aylmer Street and George Street, which will become a one-way street with one westbound lane
Charlotte Street between Aylmer Street and George Street, which will be become a one-way street with one eastbound lane.
The cycling lanes on George Street and Water Street remain in place as part of the changes, which are temporary as part of the measures being put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The reduced road space for vehicles will create more space for pedestrians and flexible-use areas for businesses, which could be used for patios or pop-up commercial space through a fast-tracked application process with the City.
File photo by PTBOCanada