A Porch Food Drive Launches As Peterborough Rallies Behind Kawartha Food Share
/A citywide food drive to restock the dwindling shelves at Kawartha Food Share has begun.
On Monday, March 23rd starting at 9 a.m., citizens throughout Peterborough (not Peterborough County at this time) are asked to leave a bag of non-perishable food items on their front porch to be picked up by volunteers.
This ask is made of anyone who is not ill or in self-isolation to leave a bag of non-perishable food items on your front porch that morning. Beginning at 9 a.m., volunteers will drive around the city and collect the items, and deliver them to the warehouse.
Kawartha Food Share
The shelves at Kawartha Food Share are perilously low, and need to be restocked for those in need. Many people have stocked their pantries with ample stores of canned goods and washrooms with excess rolls of toilet paper. The idea is if we all give one bag back, we’ll be doing a little bit that will go a long way.
Please place one or two rolls of toilet paper in a ziplock bag if you have one, or another bag that keeps it separate. Add the TP to a larger bag of canned goods. Leave it at your door and volunteers will do the rest!
Helpful Items Include:
· Canned tuna
· Pasta and pasta sauce
· Alphagetti, Kraft Dinner and Chef Boyardee, (things that are easy and that kids like)
· Breakfast cereal – a lot of children will be without school breakfast programs for the foreseeable future
· Peanut Butter – there are currently zero jars on the shelf
· Any non-perishable fruit and vegetable items
· Rice
· Canned soup/stew
· Feminine hygiene products
· Baby formula
Kawartha Food Share