Most Of Tent City Has Been Cleared From Victoria Park


Social Services outreach workers will be located at the Salvation Army, 350 Aylmer St. to help people who are looking for shelter and housing. Workers will be on-site from 8:45 a.m. till 11 a.m., this week to coincide with the breakfast program offered at that location.

The daily outreach services have moved to the Salvation Army location from Victoria Park where they had been located for the last two weeks.

Outreach workers can connect people with support services, including shelter beds and help with housing, depending on their individual needs.

Social Services can be contacted at 705-748-8830 or in-person at 178 Charlotte St.



Deputy Mayor Andrew Beamer has issued the following statement on the encampment in Victoria Park (Mayor Therrien was unavailable, as she is on vacation this week)…

“People are starting to comply with the closure of Victoria Park,” says Beamer in a release from the City of Peterborough. “It’s an ongoing process with people leaving the park with the number of tents down to about 15 by the middle of the day. The park is closed to everyone effective 9 a.m. on Tuesday, August 27th for a period of 30 days. Anyone who is in the park now is trespassing.

For anyone who needs assistance, we encourage them to speak with Social Services workers about available support services. If they’re homeless, there are shelter beds available with an average of about 30 beds available each night over the last month. Social Services will talk to each person about their specific needs to connect them with services. Each month, the City and its community partner agencies help an average of 15 people a month move into housing from homelessness.”

Photo by Neil Morton,

Many of the people who lived in the encampment have formed mini-Tent Cities at various locations and church properties in the city, including Emmanuel United Church's property—located a block from Victoria Park.

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