Due To Unsafe Boating Conditions Parks Canada Is Delaying Start Of Navigation Season

Due to unsafe boating conditions, Parks Canada is delaying the start of the 2019 navigation season for the Trent-Severn Waterway until Friday, May 24th.

Above normal snowpack in some areas and significant precipitation system-wide have resulted in extreme high water levels and flows throughout the Trent-Severn Waterway, which causes unsafe boating conditions.

Picture courtesy parks canada

Until then, the Trent-Severn Waterway will remain closed to all boat traffic and all forms of water-based activities are discouraged. This closure will ensure boater safety, and help to mitigate shoreline erosion and property damage experienced by local residents and businesses.

During this week, Parks Canada will diligently continue to make adjustments to water flows in order to restore safe conditions in preparation for the navigation season.

The public are welcome to continue to enjoy the canals' lock stations, which will be fully open to land-based visitors starting May 17th, and lock staff will be on hand to welcome them. 

Visitors are encouraged to always exercise caution around water. This is especially important now with elevated water levels and flows.

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