New Canadians Centre In Peterborough Announces Andy Cragg As New Executive Director
/New Canadians Centre in Peterborough has announced the appointment of Andy Cragg as the new Executive Director of the organization. As a passionate advocate for immigration and settlement, Andy has been very involved with the NCC for several years.
He served as Chair of the Peterborough Immigration Partnership (PIP) from 2014 to 2017. The Peterborough Immigration Partnership was formed in 2009 to advance a targeted community strategy for immigrant integration with the NCC as the lead agency. The work of the PIP is organised around a five-year plan and the goal of meaningful economic, social and cultural integration of newcomers and a prosperous and inclusive community for all. It is supported by over 80 community partners. Andy was instrumental in the development of the second five-year PIP strategic plan; PIP was one of the first Local Immigration Partnerships in Canada to reach this milestone.
Andy Cragg (Photo courtesy New Canadians Centre)