OPP Are Responding To Numerous Calls About Snowmobiles Going Through Ice, Many Due To Impaired Driving

After another snowmobiler went through the ice on Saturday night (January 26th)—this one on Chemong Lake near Bridgenorth, and the person is facing impaired driving charges after being pulled out of the water safely by friends—OPP Central has put out a tweet to the public about snowmobile safety.

Photo graphic via OPP Central on Twitter

OPP said this in a tweet that is being widely shared: “Officers across Central Region have responded to numerous calls regarding snowmobiles that have went through the ice. #PtboOPP officers were called to Chemong Lake where a male drove in to open water and was impaired. Luckily he was not injured.”

OPP said in an earlier tweet that alcohol was a contributing factor in 48% of snowmobile fatalities in the province since 2008…

OPP are now deploying aviation and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) as a tool for speed enforcement, and search and rescue…

Please spread the word about snowmobile safety and not drinking and driving.

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