How 130 Pet Fish From A Private Collection In Peterborough Were Saved After Owner Passes Away

Through an intricate and tactical operation, the Peterborough Humane Society (the local affiliate of the OSPCA), Kawartha Aquariums and the Riverview Park and Zoo have collaborated to rescue more than 130 pet fish from a home in Peterborough after the owner passed away.

Staff from all four organizations worked diligently together to relocate the fish, their aquariums/tanks, pumps, filters, lights and heaters to a temporary location (see pictures below) at the Riverview Park and Zoo.

The fish were a private collection and sadly the owner of the fish passed away suddenly. This left them with no one to care for them or to maintain their aquariums on an ongoing basis.

The collection included a variety of tropical fresh water fish with Koi, several species of Cichlids, Green Arowana, Bichir Eels, assorted species of catfish, and Silver Dollars.

Here are pictures of a few of the fish that were saved...

"We were interested in assisting with this project as we thought we could make a significant contribution to ensuring the survival of the fish in the short term by providing equipment, facilities, expertise as well as a temporary location for them," Riverview Park & Zoo Manager & Curator Jim Moloney tells PTBOCanada.

"We also felt that we were well positioned to help with finding permanent homes for all of the fish."

A few members of the rescue team

Shawn Morey, Executive Director of the Peterborough Humane Society, tells PTBOCanada he is proud of how the organizations came together to save the fish:

"We are extremely proud of the great partnership we have with the Riverview Park and Zoo, and Kawartha Aquarium and their ability to act as a foster location for these amazing fish. The transfer process taken with these rare and exotic fish was handled with both extreme care and precision. We couldn't be happier to see the fish find new deserving homes, where they will continue to flourish."

The organizations are now working with CAZA (Canada's Accredited Zoos and Aquariums) to find permanent homes for the fish.

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