Help Newly Planted Trees On Public Property By Filling Those Water Bags

During dry weather over the summer, residents can help ensure the survival of newly planted trees on public property by filling the water bags that are attached to the trees at least one or twice per week until the cooler (and wetter) fall weather arrives.

“Public Works staff are working hard to supply water to newly planted trees, recently laid sod and flower displays throughout the City,” says Paul Hambidge, urban forest manager with the City of Peterborough. “Even recent rainfall has been insufficient to make up the water deficit that all young trees are experiencing. Newly planted trees suffer significant loss of roots when they are lifted at the nursery, making watering during the first growth season after planting critical to their survival.”

Photo courtesy City of Peterborough

The slow release water bags attached to trees can hold 15 gallons of water. Based on current water use charges, one of the bags can be filled almost 17 times for $1.42—in other words, a newly planted tree can be watered all season for $1.42.

“Even if you have an established tree, it will still benefit from watering during a prolonged dry spell,” Hambidge adds.

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