Former Day Student Alex Wescott (Class of 2016) Shares The Impact LCS Had On Her:
“One of the most valuable things that Lakefield taught me was to embrace the vulnerability in trying new things, doing what’s unfamiliar, and being uncomfortable. I learned and was encouraged to be at peace with the idea of putting yourself in situations that test and challenge you, and in moments of failure to find resilience. I came to know how important it is to understand who you are and more important, who you aren’t, and to stay in touch with that. I discovered the importance of sticking to your values and discovered that growing up and going through life, with all its perks aside, involves deciding moments and a series of mistakes. It was proved to me that you can become a product of learning about the good. The faculty, curriculum and general nature of LCS encouraged me to challenge myself in order to develop personally through trial and error, and provided me with the support and love to be who I am, and to integrate the values I’d embraced here at the Grove into all of my future endeavours.”
Co-Head Student, Trevor Smith (Douro-Dummer), Class of 2017, On His LCS Day Student Experience...
“The thing that I love about this school is the diversity of student experience. It’s so cool to be surrounded by so many different minds. There are people from Germany, Dominican Republic, from Saudi Arabia, Japan, Argentina, Bangladesh, and even downtown Lakefield. My Lakefield difference is the students that come to this school and the unique knowledge they bring with them. These are people that have interests ranging from art to ice hockey to robotics to dance. People that are extreme introverts to people that are extreme extroverts. The most diverse combination of people imaginable are all right here…all with completely different stories and life experiences.”