New Play About Modern Dating Debuts At Theatre On King May 25th

The ucpoming play Over Dinner starring Mike Judson, Marsala Lukianchuk and Sarah-Jayne Riley—three well-known actors in the local arts scene—is the story of a two-year relationship told in the space of one dinner date.

Written and directed by Tim Etherington, the play is pieced together from nine vignettes, and works on two levels: as a dinner date in real time, and the complete history of one couple.

Left to right: Marsala Lukianchuk, Sarah-Jayne Riley, Mike Judson (Photo by Adam Martignetti)

Over Dinner is an uncomfortably funny play that casts a sometimes harsh light on modern dating and calls into question assumptions about love, loyalty and companionship. It examines the awkward and embarrassing habits that find their way into most relationships.

Marsala Lukianchuk and Mike Judson star as Jessica and Scott, and they lend their considerable talents to their roles, changing character and tone in seconds, as the months roll by from scene to scene. Sarah-Jayne Riley completes the cast as Kendra, their regular server. Transitions involving several months are accentuated by the subtle atmospheric lighting and sound design of Ryan Kerr and Derek Weatherdon.

Photo by Adam Martignetti

Over Dinner runs at The Theatre on King (159 King St.) from Thursday, May 25th to Saturday, May 27th at 8 p.m., with a matinee performance at 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 27th. Tickets are $12 and can be purchased at the door or by reservation at 705-930-6194.

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