A Frostbite Alert Has Been Issued For Remainder Of Week

It's going to be extremely cold out for the rest of this week. Indeed, Peterborough Public Health has issued the second Frostbite Alert of the season because of forecasted nightly wind chill values of -27 or lower from December 26th to 29th.

Extreme cold events are a potentially significant health risk and can have a severe impact on the health of vulnerable populations including infants, the elderly, people with circulatory problems, and the marginally housed.

Local social service agencies rely on Peterborough Public Health frostbite alerts to determine if services should be extended or enhanced.

In order to protect the health of people in Peterborough County and City and Curve Lake and Hiawatha First Nations, Peterborough Public Health advises local residents to take the following precautions:

-> Check face and extremities frequently for signs of frostbite. Exposed skin can freeze in as little as 10 to 30 minutes.
-> Consider re-scheduling outdoor recreational activities, especially during the evening. There is a serious risk of hypothermia and frostbite if outdoors for long periods.
-> Use caution when shoveling snow, especially for those that have heart, respiratory (breathing) problems or other medical conditions. Snow shoveling is strenuous and can cause an onset of heart or respiratory problems.
-> Check on the elderly or people with disabilities living alone.

Temperatures are expected to rise above Frostbite Alert criteria during the late evening of Friday, December 29th.

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