Here's Great Footage Of The Snowbirds Flying Over Peterborough

You may have heard the RCAF Snowbirds fly over Peterborough on Tuesday (September 6th). They were treating Seneca College School of Aviation students to a "fly by" on their way back to CFB Trenton from the CNE air show.

Here is great footage of them taken from St. Peter's Cemetery on High Street in this video below from Michael Brioux, who tells PTBOCanada it was taken from his iPhone...

This YouTube video was also captured at Peterborough airport of the Snowbirds flying overhead...

Here is the RCAF Snowbirds overflying Peterborough airport September 6th 2016. They just finished up at the CNE Airshow during the long weekend and were transiting to CFB Trenton, but decided to give Seneca students at the Peterborough campus a little airshow along the way.

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