Blue Rodeo's Greg Keelor Makes Vintage Finds In Downtown Peterborough

It's pretty cool when rock stars shop in downtown Peterborough. This week, Greg Keelor from Blue Rodeo dropped by Catalina's on Water—a vintage store on Water St.—and filled up his vintage wheels with retro furniture finds from there.

Greg Keelor and Catalina Motta pictured on Water St. outside the store (Photo by Megan Walker)

"Mr. Greg Keelor buys out our store! An amazing day indeed," Catalina's owner Catalina Motta posted to her Facebook page along with the photo above.

Greg & Catalina with what Catalina calls his "uber cool car"

"Greg is a very charming man," Catalina tells PTBOCanada. "He has shopped in my Hunter Street location in the past buying things like quality vintage Italian knit ties and the like. Now with my Water St location, I am able to showcase a larger array of my vintage finds. He walked in and bought my most coveted pieces: mid-century modern dining table with four chairs, and a rather ornate Queen Anne sofa which he claims will be re-purposed. He bought various other bits, too."

Photo by Evan Holt

—H/T to our friends at Fresh Radio

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