The Power Went Out During Exam For Trent University Forensic Class So They All Went Outside
/A power outage hit the North End of Peterborough Sunday evening, and it happened smack dab in the middle of an exam for some Trent University students.
The Forensic Science students were writing their FRSC3100 Trends In Forensic Techniques exam when their classroom went dark. So on a beautiful, warm Sunday evening in Peterborough, they went outside to finish their exam on the grass!
Trent Forensic Class writes exam outside (photo via Trent University Forensic Class Facebook page)
As one Facebook commenter remarked on the Trent University Forensic Science class Facebook page post, "I have to applaud the dedication of the students and faculty."
True that.
And luckily, the mosquitos aren't too bad yet this being April or forensics would have had to take a look at all those bites.
—post by Neil Morton