PRHC Now Offering Free Public WiFi

PRHC Hospital has just announced that they are now offering free public wireless access in public and outpatient areas of the hospital.

By July 2017, wireless internet access will be available throughout every area of the Health Centre.

Wireless internet access is now available through your laptop computer or mobile device in the following areas of the hospital: Emergency Department, Cancer Care, Dialysis, Diagnostic Imaging, Medical Outpatients, Surgical Outpatients, Outpatient Physiotherapy clinics, Outpatient Laboratory, Labour & Delivery, Women's Health Care Centre (Level 4), Cardiac Cath Lab, Outpatient waiting areas, Cafeteria, Volunteer Services, Multifaith Centre, Boardroom & meeting rooms, Public Hallways & stairwells.

For instructions on how to connect, click here.

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