A Peterborough Woman Just Found A Gecko In Her House That Had Been Missing 4 Months

Peterborough's Carol Edwards had one heck of a surprise this weekend when she decided to clean her kids' rooms. Here is her story below as told on a Facebook post on her page:

"So I decide to rearrange my kids rooms this weekend and once again get rid of 'stuff'. As I move Clayton's [her son] bed, I see a tail. The tail is still alive and is Clayton's Gecko that we thought he lost back late summer. Being so upset that he lost his Gecko he asked for another one for Christmas. Well Reggie lives on, as well as Rovi the new Gecko he got for Christmas. But seriously I am in disbelief! This house has a cat and two dogs. So clearly the cat does not do the job he was brought in to do and the dogs well...they are pretty. You can go 4 months without feeding a Gecko, it will live."

Reggie back safe in his cage

Reggie back safe in his cage

We asked Edwards for more background on this miracle discovery and she told PTBOCanada this:

"So the story was my son Clayton took him outside in the summer as the boys regularly do—fresh air and some 'outside time'. You put them in a pail with a little water which helps them in shedding their skin. That was the last time I saw him. Clayton started freaking out one night a couple weeks after that, saying Reggie was gone. We did a search of the bedroom but because of having other animals in the house, I thought that if he had been out that long the other animals in the house would have eaten him. This was Septemberish."

Reggie in his skull cage

Reggie in his skull cage

But the miracle ending was when Edwards decided to de-clutter her kids' rooms. And how does Edwards think Reggie The Miracle Gecko survived all these months?

"He probably ate household spiders, which I have noticed I have had less of when I think about it," she tells PTBOCanada.

Lol, there you have it. One found Gecko, and many less spiders.

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