Spirits and Splatters Is A Great Night Out

If you’re looking for a fun night out, try spending an evening with Peterborough's Spirits and Splatters. You’ll discover talents you didn’t even know you had, and have fun laughing amongst friends, co-workers and peers.

Simply head over to the website and find a painting that calls to you. Maybe it’s a painting that will match the decor in your home, or perhaps it's one that resembles something that is a part of your life or interests. 

Having the opportunity to participate in one of these evenings is an absolute blast. Right from the beginning of the evening, the artist walks you through what to expect and explains each step slowly as to not make you feel lost or left behind.

Everyone is in it together and that vibe is clearly felt as you sit amongst rows of easels and paper plates with splats of bright colours on them. The artist explains the purpose of each paint brush and when to use it, and how to successfully create interesting or unusual colours.

It is so fun to watch your painting come to life and begin to resemble the design which you are trying to create.

**Tickets are usually $45 for Spirits and Splatters—but only $25 using the discount code "100parties"—and the evening usually runs about two and a half hours.

Spirits and Splatters is the only Canadian company that offers these paint events in Peterborough, and regularly host events at Ashburnham Ale House and Riley's in town.

Spirits and Splatters also offer the option to host your own private event or fundraiser, which is becoming extremely popular because everyone loves to paint and schmooze!

—Review by PtboCanada's Julie Morris

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