11 Tidbits About PTBOCanada.com Turning 5 Years Old
/Today (May 27th), our website PTBOCanada.com turns 5 years old! Here are 11 tidbits about us...
1. Before PTBOCanada.com, we started as a Twitter handle—@Ptbo_Canada—in October 2009...
(On Twitter, we now have 14,500+ followers!)
2. PTBOCanada.com, an extended version of @Ptbo_Canada, was born May 27th, 2010...
3. Our logo was designed by Studio-N... and you're about to hear more about them as you scroll down through this listicle.
4. Our Facebook page was created shortly thereafter...
(On our FB page, we now have 5,300+ fans!)
5. Then we added Instagram, and we hope to build out our Pinterest page and add Snapchat and other social media channels soon.
6. Thanks to all our amazing readers for reading and sharing our stories—and sharing your stories with us! We are a social news/entertainment brand built for the social web, and our reach continues to grow thanks to you.
7. Big thanks also to all the amazing brands/organizations embracing digital/social media and advertising with us. Our locally-owned media company wouldn't be here without you!
8. Our readers and advertisers soooo rock...
9. We thrive on positivity, entertainment, humour and community building, and love it when you share our feel good posts and pictures about everything Peterborough and the Kawarthas.
(Those stories that you share sometimes then get shared with the world.)
10. We recently launched a T-shirt line!
(Find out how you can get 'em here—and there will be more fashion to come! Stay tuned!!)
Jungeon and Rachel Kim rocking our tees
Get your PTBOCanada T-Shirt!
11. Now on our 5th birthday... we can formally announce a spinoff/brand extension of PTBOCanada called StudioPTBO...
StudioPTBO is a newly-formed boutique ad agency. We're a combination of Peterborough's awesome Studio-N (the 14-year-old graphic and web design studio located in downtown Peterborough) and us, PTBOCanada.
Find out more about StudioPTBO Boutique Agency services here, as our teams form a one-stop shop to help brands build buzz through great content and design.
OK, that's it...
Here's to many more years to come!
—Neil Morton & Evan Holt, co-founders, PTBOCanada.com
***For more about this city we love, click on some of our most read PTBOCanada listicles here and here and here.
-> Learn more about us here, and view our Media Kit here.
Tip us at tips@ptbocanada.com. Follow us on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, and Like us on Facebook.