Here Is A Hawk Trying To Drive A Pontiac Vibe

Niki Allday looking a little perplexed (it's no wonder)

Niki Allday looking a little perplexed (it's no wonder)

The Hawk in control

The Hawk in control

Christina Abbott and Niki Allday found a hawk with a broken wing on the side of the road on Highway 7 North near Peterborough, and put the injured bird in a box in the back of Niki's Pontiac Vibe while figuring out where to bring it to get medical attention.

It seems the hawk now wants to drive the car itself to the hospital. It escaped the box and landed on the steering wheel.

Christina Abbott tells PTBOCanada they are now enroute to Champlain Animal Hospital to get the hawk checked out.

"This is insane," she tells us. "I'm currently in the back seat making sure he doesn't escape. And the police pulled us over. Because I'm not wearing a seal belt. Cause I was hunched over the back trying to keep the hawk from escaping. LMAO."

The police let her go without a ticket though. "The officer told me to put my seat belt on or I'm going to end up like the hawk."

We'll keep you posted on their crazy day, and the hawk's progress in its treatment and rehabilitation.

[***UPDATE: Sad news, Christina tells us the hospital has determined it has to put the bird down due to its injury. His wing is too broken to fly again. Christina and Niki should be commended for their efforts in trying to save this bird. They named the bird Scott Young, here's why.]

This hawk has a vibe

This hawk has a vibe

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