Downtown Peterborough Introduces Mascot George King Of The Downtown

There is a new face for downtown Peterborough: a mascot named George, King of Downtown. The Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area made the announcement at its annual general meeting Wednesday night at The Venue.

Picture via @Oldies967fm

Picture via @Oldies967fm

“We’ve pursued the idea of creating a downtown mascot for several years and I’m very pleased with the results," says DBIA Executive Director Terry Guiel. "You’ll be seeing George at parades, ribbon cuttings and downtown events. We’re seeing more and more families coming downtown and this will be a good way to engage them and get the kids excited."

The choice of a lion was inspired by the City of Peterborough’s Coat-of-Arms. The name George is inspired by George Street, a historic and thriving commercial district in the city—and one of the busiest streets in Peterborough.

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